We’ve been collaborating with all divisions of BT on heaps of events for years now. So, when Digital Live 2023 rolled around, the team behind it gave us a call. They wanted to make sure this year was all about the Digital team’s strategy, goals, and developments and worked as a two-way conversation, with a fully virtual audience able to share their input throughout the event.
We were specialists in all things virtual even before Covid hit, and we’ve only honed our knowledge since then. This brief, therefore, was quite a simple one for our teams. We rolled through the usual steps – creating a clear registration site, establishing a convenient location for streaming and pulling together a schedule that worked for all our speakers and promised to keep delegates fully engaged, wherever they were.
This event stretched beyond broadcast alone, so we co-ordinated lunch and a Q&A session with the leadership team before the main event even began. This helped break the ice and added an element of relatability to the event, as all our hosts were selected for their presence with our audience. Basically, viewers were interacting with people they knew and felt positive towards. Once the Q&A was finished, breakout sessions then got underway as five guest speakers took to the virtual stage (two in London, one in India, and two online).
As this event was an international affair, we had DRPG crew on-site in India to make sure those based over there had the exact same experience as those in the UK. We took the challenge in our stride and our Live team ensured everything went without a hitch. They weren’t the only team involved though.
Our Design team assisted with presentation content, Film created and edited videos that were used throughout the broadcast and more of our expert team swept delegates away on an after-hours social once the broadcast wrapped. It was a real group effort.
The BT team saw that on every step of the journey and couldn’t have been more complementary about the way we worked together so seamlessly. More importantly though, they were bowled over by the quality of the event we put together and praised our team on making every single element work hard to keep audiences engaged, informed and having fun. We can’t wait to do it again next time!
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