Nationwide Last Branch in Town Campaign Event

Nationwide wanted to celebrate its brand promise of keeping physical branches open until 2028, and decided to throw a celebration event at its Windsor branch to celebrate in style! Our team took charge, making sure every detail was on point. From logistics to set design, we left no stone unturned. 

Chesney Hawkes performing at the Nationwide Last Branch In Town campaign event.
Shots of the branded charity event collateral DRPG created.

And who better to headline than Windsor's very own Chesney Hawkes? We made sure his performance was top-notch, supporting with seamless technical wizardry that had the crowd cheering and Nationwide-branded event collateral adding a touch of flair to festivities.

But it wasn't just about the show – the event also had a charitable twist. Nationwide pledged to donate £200 to local charities for every new account opened or product purchased during the event. Talk about giving back to the community!

History buffs got their fix too, with a blast from Nationwide's past showcased by a dedicated historian. And of course, we kept the energy high with tea, coffee, and branded biscuits for all.

Chesney Hawkes on a rickshaw outside a Nationwide branch for the Nationwide Last Branch In Town campaign event
People on a rickshaw for the Nationwide Last Brand In Town campaign event
Shot of the rickshaw for the Nationwide Last Branch In Town campaign event

The result? A smashing success! With hearts full and smiles all around, the Nationwide Last Branch In Town event made waves on social media, shining a spotlight on Nationwide's commitment to communities everywhere. 

Group shot of Nationwide staff and Chesney Hawkes

Talk to one of the team

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