Kerakoll & Tilemaster Adhesives Brand Migration

The Kerakoll Group is a multinational company working in the construction industry, offering a range of products and services for building better places to live. Kicking off 2024 with a brand migration, they wanted to bring Tilemaster Adhesives under the Kerakoll brand in the UK market after acquiring it in 2017. But here's the catch – Kerakoll needed to make sure its two audiences felt right at home with the brand migration. Enter DRPG, and the creative maestros who whipped up the ideal solution.

Example of social media posts created for the brand migration of Kerakoll and Tilemaster Adhesives
Image from the Kerakoll and Tilemaster Adhesives brand migration launch event
Image of digital marketing brand migration assets as well as Kerakoll Go at the Kerakoll and Tilemaster Adhesives brand migration launch event

First up, we crafted a visual language that paid homage to both brands, ensuring both audiences saw the new brand as something warm and familiar. Then, we set out on an 18-month adventure, creating a blend of internal and external comms across on and offline marketing channels.

For the internal team, belonging was the key. So, we delivered an unforgettable launch event, complete with a powerful film and a new brand advocacy program. And let's not forget the cherry on top – Kerakoll GO, a board game that brought out everyone's competitive side (in the best way possible, of course).

On the external front, we honed in on digital marketing, handling everything from content planning and creation to measurement and reporting, ensuring every element aligned with agreed KPIs.

Visually, we blended the two brands in a mesmerising gradient that mixed Tilemaster's colours with Kerakoll's sage. And the work hasn’t stopped there. Behind the scenes, our Digital Marketing experts are orchestrating a seamless SEO strategy and migration. And let's not forget the print ads that graced the pages of trade and technical mags, along with sleek landing pages and a revamped newsletter that would make any customer swoon.

In short, we pulled out a whole bag of branding tools to bring Tilemaster Adhesives under a refreshed Kerakoll umbrella, all while fostering a sense of belonging that's sure to leave a lasting impression.

This partnership facilitated a cohesive integration of our training campaign with our brand migration efforts, resulting in a good improvement in brand awareness and engagement rates from stakeholders.

Marketing & Communications Manager, Kerakoll

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