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DRPG's Stage & Scenic team celebrates Earth Day with green initiatives

Written by Guy Humphrey | Apr 22, 2024 7:42:36 AM

As Earth Day approaches, we are proud to highlight the efforts of our Stage & Scenic team in driving meaningful CSR activities that align with our sustainability goals and commitment to community engagement.

Planter Lunch & Learn

Our Stage & Scenic team recently organised a "Lunch and Learn" event where team members crafted their own planters. This hands-on activity not only encouraged creativity but also promoted eco-awareness. With pre-cut kits suitable for DIY enthusiasts of all levels and expert guidance from our stage and scenic team, the event was a successful blend of education and practical experience. What’s more, the lunch and learn was organised and led by two of our amazing apprentices on the team!

Participants were also given wildflower and sunflower seeds to plant in their new creations, adding a touch of nature to their handcrafted planters and encouraging biodiversity.

Burlish Bike Park

Continuing their CSR efforts, the Stage & Scenic team visited Burlish Bike Park/Open Trail, a Worcestershire-based charity dedicated to preserving a 30-year-old bike park and enhancing its community value. Our team played an active role in the park's upkeep, completing essential maintenance tasks.

Tasks accomplished included; installing a 'kissing gate' for improved accessibility, benefiting wheelchair users and connecting the park to Burlish Meadows; moving 17 tonnes of dust/gravel to maintain park paths and jumps, saving the charity significant costs; marking out dedicated parking spaces to maximise visitor opportunities; clearing the Family Trail, the park's longest trail, to make it more user-friendly and accessible.

Our team's efforts were met with appreciation from the charity, with CEO of Open Trail Hannah Escott commenting, “I am still astounded at how hard everyone worked and how much they all managed to achieve in a day. The team came with such a positive attitude, really great team spirit, and my goodness didn't they all graft!"

Enhancing Lil's Parlour CIC

We were also proud to extend our support to Northfield's community food larder, Lil's Parlour CIC, by undertaking a transformative project to rejuvenate the front of their dedicated building. This week, our team not only gave the building a much-needed facelift but also installed a community noticeboard.

Lucy Scott, the founding director of Lil’s Parlour CIC, expressed her gratitude for DRPG's contributions, stating, “I’ve dreamed of having a notice board for so long. We were having to stick up posters which got stolen or blown down. It’s going to be great. I’m so thrilled with our new sign; it looks really smart. I was always embarrassed at the state of the old one. It didn’t give a great first impression, especially because we want to offer people a place of dignity - rotting wood didn’t really give that message. We would never have been able to afford this work ourselves, and I am so grateful to the team who came to do it. Turning up to work this morning, I finally felt proud of the space we provide.”

This initiative was made possible through the dedication and hard work of our team members, including Head of Stage & Scenic Becky Cubitt, Workshop Supervisor Jacob Dawson, and Senior Scenic Carpenter Matt Middleton from the Stage & Scenic Team, and Senior Producer Kate McEvoy from the Film Team. Their construction skills were instrumental in bringing this CSR project to life, aligning with our sustainability goals by crafting the signage from recycled and scrap materials.

Looking Ahead

These initiatives are just the beginning of the Stage & Scenic team's sustainability projects aimed at supporting local wildlife and communities. DRPG remains committed to driving positive change and making a difference in the areas where we operate. 

Stay tuned for more updates on our CSR activities and how DRPG continues to contribute to a greener future.