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Comms Crowd: Where Insights and Strategy collide

Written by Richard Stagg | Aug 22, 2024 8:07:41 AM


Can TikTok be used for marketing?

Yes, and that's what we always hear, but what you really need is to reach your goals. Don’t know your campaign goals? That where Research & Insights comes in, the brains behind the art. There’s no single solution for everyone. You need a bespoke solution. We get to the ‘why’ of your campaigns, and then we get results.

In April, we held our very first Comms Crowd event with OWB at our HQ Studio Complex. It was a magnificent day of learning and engagement for our clients. Peter Brogan and I delivered our successful session, where Strategy & Insights Collide, which taught the time taken in research and development before creative planning and operations commence. And we gave our clients a look behind the curtain of effective campaign decisions and the tools we use.

What are the best insights for a campaign?

Good insights craft relevant creative and messaging. They reveal opportunities and understanding with audiences and help you to measure the success of your campaign. Equally important, good insights are fresh and relatable, and they will steer you from making a tone-deaf campaign. Because the best campaigns will always have a kernel of truth, which create an ‘aha’ moment.

Take the ‘It has to be Heinz’ campaign for example. It revealed the shocking truth, the reality that many restaurants are fooling their customers into believing they are having Heinz, when they are just refilling the bottles with cheaper alternatives. The truth being, ‘even when it isn’t Heinz, it has to be Heinz’. It’s what the people want. So, when you find your truth, everything opens, and greatness follows. And it’s at this moment, we don’t sit back, we strategise.  


What makes a great campaign strategy?

Good strategy is using insights effectively; it is evidence-based decision making which will propel your business to become a positive force for change. With the right strategy you will overcome any challenge and ignite creativity. You will correctly respond to your audience, engage with them, and most importantly you will uncover that ‘why’ of your campaign.

Sometimes project briefs can be lacking, however, the thoughts, prayers, and feelings are abundant — and that’s great because that’s their vision and we can work with that as strategists. When we've compiled the data and set it against their vision, we can support to create their bespoke brief. Then we're on the same page, we know which are the right channels, executions, and formats to target, and we can start reaching the goals of any client to become a leader in their industry.

If you're going to become that top competitor with the best strategy and marketing, the one with the creative edge on everybody else, then you need to keep on top of your research and insights. The greatest, most effective creative can always be reverse engineered back to the strategic brief and the core insight behind it. 


If you just have an insight, you’re just hoarding knowledge, and unable to use it effectively. If you just have strategy, you’re planning in the dark and making uninformed decisions. Effective marketing campaigns and digital marketing come from having all three: Insights, strategy, and creative. Next time you open up your pristine spreadsheet or fresh sketchpad, stop and think of the ‘why’ and go from there.

To start planning your next creative campaign with DRPG, just reach out to Let’s create something incredible together.